-Life is Simple, it's Just Not Easy!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

No Excuses.

This morning at church, our pastor talked about excuses. We all have them. We all give them. We all rely on them. I am the queen of excuses. "I'll volunteer once I figure out what my school schedule will be like." "I'm gonna skip the gym because it's already so late, there will be so many people there." "I'll clean out my closet tomorrow. In the morning." "I'll mend that relationship another time. They'll think I'm an idiot." "I don't have time." "I don't have the ability." "I don't know enough."
So. After seeing how my day to day life is so full of excuses, I looked back at my resolutions that I made on January 1st of this year.
1. Finalize a demo and take headshots. -Demo done. But I hated it. Photos not done.
2. Run a 5k. -Not done.
3. Write an album. -Half way there.
4. Donate $250 to a charity. -Not done.
5. Tithe. -Not as much as I should.
6. Read 30 Books. -6 left!
7. Go to a Concert. -I've already been to 2. One more in September.
8. Take a GIRL vacation. -Did that with Mom. :)
If I look back on my year, I like to think I've accomplished a lot. But there is so much left to be done.
I'm working my way through the Bible. I'm almost finished with 1 Samuel. I'm about to start going to school on the 22nd. I've started volunteering with North Douglas in a Kindergarten class. I'm about to start taking some Cake Decorating Classes! Haha.
I guess a good question is why am I doing all this stuff? Why spend so much time being BUSY!?
I want to learn more. I want to have skills that I can pass on. Knowledge that I can pass on. I want to be a great role model for my sister and cousins and anyone else I might touch along the way! I just feel deep down inside that I'm headed somewhere. Changes are going to be made, and I am going to accomplish something that means something. Something to me. Something to my family. Something to the world. Something in the Kingdom of God!

1 comment:

  1. You are so wonderful. So full! You encourage me, I bet you didn"t even know that. You motivate and power me! I love you! You are the bomb!
