-Life is Simple, it's Just Not Easy!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Judging & Gossip.

I had quite a little realization today while sitting in traffic on the way home from school.
Georgia State has a far more diverse group of students than that which could be found at Mercer.
Just today, I witnessed the fake smokers... yes, you know what I'm referring to, a young lady with bright indigo and purple hair cut into a bob, a dashing chap with missing front three teeth (yes, a student)... and many more. Let me explain if maybe you don't know what type of person could be spotted crossing the quad at Mercer University. At Mercer, there were polos, khakis, dresses, sweatpants, 'norts' (I think) and Northface apparel. That's all!
Anyway, In a round about way, I am trying to get to my point, here. In my personal walk with Christ, I do face my worst sin. Everyone has one, and mine is gossip. I love to do it. I know how wrong it is, but I do it without noticing it's happening. It's a bad situation.
Okay, okay. The point. You remember I was talking about having a 'come-to-Jesus' in my car today. I was thinking about all the outrageous things I saw at school. Thought about all the things that I would have laughed with my mom or Jade about if they had been with me at the time. Then all the stories of the funny people I met seemed kind of stupid and extremely trivial. It hit me. I don't care about gossiping. I care about spending quality moments with the people I love where we laugh and talk and do fun things such as that! :) Then something else hit me. No, not a car or anything terrible like that, but while I am sitting and judging other people, I could be being a light of Christ for them. Geeze, that's humbling.
Walking through Woodruff Park or simply walking two feet on Gilmer Street really does mean something completely different! :) Jesus is really cool!

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