-Life is Simple, it's Just Not Easy!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Growing Up is Hard to Do.

The other day, at the beach, I had one of those moments. One of those that you wish you could take a snapshot of. Capture every emotion and feeling that you have in that one instant and keep it close to your heart forever. My mom and I were talking about how as you get older, you see deeper into things, and those things are just not as rosy and beautiful as you once thought they were. Despite seeing things for what they really are, growing up gives us the opportunity to make our own joy. We have the ability to look past every problem in our lives.. I know it's not easy, but I pray that God gives me the strength to do so.
In every year that passes, we see truth. Marriages in your family. Relationships. Trips. Bad history. Good history. Money and Finance. School. Friendship. Decisions. Life. The truth is that people fall out of love. Marriages fail. Relationships fail. People lie. People deceive you. Money runs out. We lose jobs. We mess up...
My prayer is that God keeps me humble. No matter what He might decide to throw my way, I pray that He gives me the ability to find joy. AND spread joy to those that might need some.
I am about to embark on so many new things. School starts at the end of August. I am going to audition for the Voice. I have to find a job so soon. I am blessed with being in town and being able to watch my sister cheer for her middle school team and experience my cousins growing SO quickly. I'm 19 years old! I am having the time of my life, and I praise the Lord for my joy. I just hope that He will give me joy when things aren't so great. And I pray that He will bring some peace to those people that I love that are having a hard time right now.

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