-Life is Simple, it's Just Not Easy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Discontentment? No way!

Since Christmas, a book has sat on my floor waiting to be read.
The Resolution for Women.
Inspired by The Resolution that is depicted in the film, Courageous, The Resolution for Women helps women of all ages to redefine and reevaluate who they are in Christ. I have avoided the book. I don't know why? Maybe because I'm comfortable with where I am. I volunteer at church. I am at a good school. I have good friends and a great family and the man I want to be with forever... I mean, what do I need to reevaluate, right?
Tonight at the middle school service, I got a glimpse of a what life is like for them. Their friends are hurting themselves, touching each other inappropriately at school, seeing things in life that no 12, 13 or 14 year old should see. It broke my heart. How in the world can I be comfortable in a world like that? I have to work harder than ever to know exactly where I am in my walk with God because I might be the only Jesus that those girls see. That those middle schoolers see. But even more than that, I might be the only Jesus that the kid that sits behind me in French sees or people at school see or people at the mall see.

So I opened the book. I told myself I would not rush through it. I made myself a promise that every time I sat down to read it, I would only work through one chapter at a time. The very first chapter was about becoming discontent because of not relishing each moment in life. Rushing through life and not truly experiencing it. And that one thing might be the biggest fault that I have. I try so hard to remind myself NOT to rush life, but I get so antsy. It's like I keep waiting for something else to happen. Something big. And I miss the moments that matter sometimes. I get so bogged down in the destination that I forget to talk to Mackenzie who sits in the passenger seat or watch Ryan sing at the top of his lungs as he drives. I make lists in my head about the EVENTS that are to come months down the road. WHY DO I DO THAT? I want to really experience what's happening now. I will only have a 19th year once. Mackenzie will only look like this and talk like this and be like this one time. Ryan and I will only have this honeymoon period once. I will only be able to sit in the living room and giggle with mom and dad at this one point in my life. Everything is fleeting. There is no room to complain or argue or be discontent with life.
"True godliness with contentment is itself great wealth." I Timothy 6:6 NLT
"If we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content." I Timothy 6:8 AMP

I want to challenge you. Each chapter ends with a few questions. And I think it will really change your life (like it has mine) to just think about them. Write them down if you want. Just skim them. It doesn't matter. Give it a try!
-What have you been hurrying through?
-What have you been hurrying to get to?
-What are some of the good parts of your experience that you've missed in your attempt to rush through the more difficult ones?
-What can you do differently today to "scrape the plate"- to gather up all the good things around you and begin enjoying the journey of your life?

1 comment:

  1. You really make me think Macy! I need to slow down! Appreciate! Evaluate! Thanks for keeping me in check! Life is good! God is good!
