-Life is Simple, it's Just Not Easy!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Goodbye, 2011!

Here we are. Another year has come and gone. Kinda weird, huh? The Christmas trees are coming down, and silver and black hats and lots of glitter are coming out!
At the risk of being a total bummer, New Year's Eve is a sad time for me. I always tend to dwell on all the things that might not have happened the year before. All the things I missed out on. All the things that went unsaid or undone. Of course, there are those that take New Year's with stride and think about all the wonderful things that the new year will bring... But I know that a lot of you out there are just like me.
Maybe 2011 consisted of a loved one's death or a loss of a friendship? Maybe you lost your job or you're simply not where you wanted to be a year ago? Maybe you feel depressed because when the ball drops, you'll be standing there alone? Well, if you weren't depressed before, you are now, right? WRONG! If this year was bad, that means that next year can only bring good things! If you had loss in 2011, you can gain greatly in 2012. If you lost your job or you're just lost along the way to your dreams, 2012 can bring you something that makes you even happier and more fulfilled! If you're alone when the ball drops, who cares!? Maybe 2012 will bring you your lobster?
I think I learned something monumental this year that I've always thought I already knew. Worry does not change things. Worry will not mend a friendship that is just not happening anymore. Worry will not bring you any closer to your diploma. Worry will NOT make him come back, and it won't create the perfect man... Worry is dumb!
I spent a lot of time in 2011 worrying. Where was I headed regarding school? Will I be married early enough to have babies at a reasonable time? What kind of job can I get to afford to travel to all of these places that I dream about? The Lord came in my heart and said, "Hush, Macy! You think too much!" The last two months have been so incredible; I am so lucky! But they've been so wonderful because I stopped thinking so much about what I was doing, and I just did it!
I'm done chasing after people that don't even care one way or another whether or not they are in my life. I'm done trying to change people. I'm done tip-toeing around how I feel about things. I'm done with downplaying dreams because I think they're too far out! I mean, that's crazy!
It is impossible to describe how absolutely wonderful I feel right now! If 2012 consists of 12 months similar to the past 2 months, sign me up! I haven't felt this good in years! So. GOODBYE, 2011. I will not look back. Hey, 2012! I'm ready for it, and I'm ready to rock!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year beautiful girl! I am SO happy that you're so happy. I love you!
