I have been thinking a lot lately about the so called 'secret of life'. At Mercer, we are required to take a class called First Year Seminar, and I was placed in First Year Seminar Experience. This class has been interesting, but more than just being interesting, it has caused me to think so much about who I am and why I am that way. Everyday in class, we are asked to give our opinions and beliefs on why the world is the way that it is. We've discussed the difference between good and evil, the root of evil, what constitutes a good person and what makes a bad one, etc. The sad part of the story is that I have found myself becoming skeptical, and that is the last thing I want to do. I have started to question so many things about who I am, and that is not ok. Trying to get back on track...
I think the secret to life is to STOP asking questions. Trying to define life and all of its glory is like trying to catch lightning. Life is too powerful and incredible to be reduced down to a simple explanation written in a textbook.
We need to stop talking and start listening. We need to stop thinking and start feeling.
I've spent all of my life trying to 'make sense of it all.' I guess that's what you get when you're 'smart.'...I overanalyze. I try to hard to find answers to things that require no question in the first place.
We need to learn to feel the pain when we exercise. Hahah. Learn to embrace the breath that flows into our body.
We need to stop questioning God and evil and simply allow Christ's grace to envelope our soul and erase the traces of evil from within.
We need to love with all that we have. With reckless abandon. With so much emotion and passion. If it doesn't work out and fails in the end, SO WHAT?!! We had the time of our lives in the process and felt incredible emotions that can never be replaced.
We need to stop worrying about money. Let the government worry about the economy... They're going to do what they want with the money anyway... With or without consent or approval.
We need to start looking in people's eyes when we ask them how they are. We need to just GIVE to others instead of expecting some sort payback.
We need to SCREAM. DANCE. CRY. LAUGH. FORGIVE and really... just feel.

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