-Life is Simple, it's Just Not Easy!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Here and Now.

I have not done very well with keeping this blog up to date, BUT I have been so busy that I haven't been able to see straight! I have NEVER had this much homework in my life, but they say that Pre-Health will teach you to prioritize, study and work like never before. I guess I understand... I want to be a QUALIFIED pharmacist because I would want my own pharmacist to be! I run from class to class back to the dorm to do homework. I have to force myself to eat and sleep, and I haven't seen the inside of that gym in a week and a half.
We have ventured out into Mac-Town a little bit though. We went to the mall and to the movies. The north part of Macon is really nice! My roommate and my hallmates are all so sweet, and the dorm life is not quite as bad as I thought it would be, but I would MUCH rather have an apartment. Somewhere to take a shower without shoes on. Somewhere that I could go to sleep on a bed that my feet did not hang off of. Somewhere that I could have visitors that weren't watched like a hawk. Maybe one day I'll be able to get one.... I do have a job interview on Friday with the Law School here in Macon. It would be awesome to get a job like that. It would also help me to raise some funds. Maybe contribute to the apartment a little bit more than I can now and persuade my parents to invest in it! Who knows? I'm so nervous!
Being here for three weeks now, I have been able to really think about myself and the road that I have chosen and the parts of the road that I don't even see yet. Today in class, we were talking about passion and what drives us to accomplish things. Somewhere the discussion changed to the future and whether or not we want to know what happens before it actually does. Whether or not we're scared of the future or awaiting its arrival with excited anticipation. As for me, I would NOT want to know what the future holds for me. I just intend to live every single day like it's my last. I know that I worry too much. I know that I overanalyze, and I am trying to work on those things. I guess my goal here in college is to work hard and put in the effort so that I can find a good, stable job that I care about, but at the same time, I am going to let the future STAY in the future. Who knows what kinds of turns my relationships will take? And who knows what my major will be when I decide in January. Who even knows what I'll choose to wear tomorrow morning or eat for breakfast. I have spent TOO much time during these three weeks worrying about whether or not I am going to make it to Pharm school in three years. Or if I am going to pass my PCAT. I've worried about how long my friends from Douglasville will remain as close as they have been for all of these years. I've worried about whether or not the distance will break apart the relationship that Jamie and I have worked so freaking hard on. And the realization that I came to today. In my FYSX class was that I have no control over the outcome. Of any of these things. Fate is fate. If I try to avoid an outcome that is meant to be, it will still be. If I try too hard and work myself crazy, I will only be unhappy. Successful MAYBE but unhappy. If I stress about my friendships, I will soon resent them. If I overanalyze and worry about my relationship, I will only push him away.
I am living. Here and Now. I am finding my way. One step at a time. Day by day.

1 comment:

  1. That's good, Macy! I'm so glad you are beginning to find your place in college :) Continue not to let stress get in the way of what God wants to do in your life right now. You have an amazing opportunity to start over in a new place, with a new "home". Choose to live like Jesus, & you will be an amazing witness to each person you come in contact with. God has put you where you are for a specific reason. He wants you to hand over your life completely to Him so that He can use you however He pleases. You just have to be available to Him. Let God use you where you are & you will get the biggest blessing out of college! I am praying for you, that you are choosing friends wisely & building healthy christian relationships with people that will hold you accountable. I hope & pray that satan won't take hold of you during this important time where you are having to make many decisions for your entire life. Allow God to put you in the center of His will. Love you & miss you tons! :) - Hayley
