-Life is Simple, it's Just Not Easy!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fasting... Boyfriends

My last blogpost spoke of the beauty of finding the right man. Well, I do believe that there are men out there for every one of the women who expect the best for themselves.
It's funny because the new journey I am about to embark on seems to contradict a lot of what I wrote just two days ago, but I will try to communicate my feelings in the most understandable way possible!
I have always been the girl with a boyfriend. I have not gone more than two months 'single' since I was 12 years old. That's almost 8 years. I was never a serial dater; I've had three 'boyfriends' in my lifetime, but I have just become settled into the lifestyle of a habitual girlfriend.
Recently, I have broken up with my boyfriend of four years. It has caused an incredible amount of sadness and confusion and just pain, but it has forced me to reevaluate and move forward. It is scary to start over especially after so long. All of the girls that I grew up with are married, nearly married or in committed relationships that will end in marriage. The white picket fence is in their reach, and I have started over at the starting line.
God has led me to several verses to comfort me in the time:
-"Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them." Daniel 10:12
-"Return to me, for I have redeemed you." Isaiah 44:22
-"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." Proverbs 16:3

After talking with God, I have decided to begin a boyfriend fast. For one year, I will fight the instinct to be a girlfriend, and I will focus on finding ME and falling deeper in love with Christ. I guess I choose to blog about this personal thing because I want something and someone to hold me accountable. I want to really make this real, and I want to allow God to use me in ways that I wouldn't be able to be used if I had a boyfriend.
What if I find the man I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with in the next year? Well, if I find that man, he will wait for me. If he is truly the man that I am destined to be with. The man that God has made for me, then he will support me and love me more for being obedient to God's call.
I am ready, Lord. Use me.


  1. Macy this is WONDERFUL! You are an amazing young woman & I am honestly proud of you for this. Most girls our age are looking for that "prince charming" and think they found it but when it comes down to it...he really isn't the guy we wanted or the "one". I have recently found myself with the most amazing guy I have ever laid my eyes on. We are in church together (which I have never done with a guy) FINALLY taking it slow...it's an amazing feeling. Just wanna tell you good job & keep the faith.

  2. So proud of the woman, person, daughter, sister, friend, soldier, etc. that you are. You are amazing! You inspire me to be better! God has been "using you" since the day you burst into this world with your beautiful, kind and gentle soul. You are such a bright light! I love you!

  3. Oh my!! I've never had comments ON the blog before!!Thank you guys for believing me and reading my blog even though it mostly consists of emotional ranting!! Hahah. I love you!
